Holdings Portfolio

A Holdings portfolio can easily track the companies in your portfolio with a corresponding number of shares for each. This type is much easier and faster because you only enter current positions. What's available with this type of portfolio:
- Current balance in >25 different currencies
- Unrealized P&L
- Dividend stats - future income, yield, yield on cost, dividend growth, dividend rating
- Your target and future value projections
- Diversification by sectors, asset classes, currencies, countries, regions
- Benchmarking (compare results with S&P 500, NASDAQ 100, ...)
- Metrics - average PE, beta, Sharpe, Sortino
- Rebalancing and custom analytics - setup target allocations and get purchase/sell recommendations
- Combined stats for multiple portfolios via Composite portfolio
- Company fundamentals
- Portfolio sharing
- Community
Transactions portfolio

Transactions portfolio is the best and most powerful way to track and analyze your portfolio performance. It includes detailed buy/sell transactions in your account, as well as history of received dividends and broker's fees.
With transactions portfolio you will get:
- Everything from Holdings portfolio
- IRR calculations
- Dividends received stats
- Realized P&L
- Broker's fee calculations
- Portfolio value history
- Portfolio performance history
- Benchmarking based on your transactions